X-men (2000) Xavier shouldn't be able to read Wolverines mind

I think this is a mistake but the problem with super hero movies is that the lore for some of this stuff is extensive and something from like 1983 can explain it away, but I'm just watching some reaction videos to the first X-men movie from 2000 and it got me thinking about how Magnetos helmet blocks telepathy

If all that's protecting Magneto from telepathy is a metal helmet, the adamantium around wolverine's skull should act like a metal helmet around his brain that he can never take off, and shouldn't that make him immune to telepathy too? But Charles very easily does that whole telepathic misdirect at the school with wolverine in the very beginning leading him to his office, and then (even though he has difficulty) promises to help unlock his past via his telephathic powers, but shouldn't it be more than just difficult? Shouldn't it actually impossible based on what's been established?

Submitted August 07, 2024 at 11:22PM by rapid_eye_movement https://ift.tt/EVACbWU

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